Dear Friends in Magic…
                                          Well this is certainly a ‘Newsletter’ I thought I would never have to write but Life stepped up a few days ago and our ‘World of Magic’ passed into the ‘World of Reality’… Many of you will already know I had my first ‘run’ in with Cancer in 2018 and because of my Heart Condition, radical surgery was not an option at that time so my recent diagnosis is not really a shock for me as ‘The Sword of Damocles’ has been hanging over my head for a quite a while…unfortunately my Cancers have now spread considerably and I am in early stages of Palliative Care… but I am in a good place and have accepted completely the direction of my journey… however the trouble is it is extremely hard on other people ,especially friends & Family, so you have to be careful how you go about things…this is most definitely a time to be grateful and count your blessings, and to make the best of a bad situation, there will always be a Silver Lining somewhere you just have to keep looking…
A few weeks ago we placed a ‘Landing Page’ on the Website as a temporary measure to halt any new orders as Colin had become my full time Carer … however going forward it would seem that this is now going to be permanent…it is difficult to be precise as we have no time frame to work to and can make only limited plans for the future, but Colin has expressed a wish that he would not want to continue Five of Hearts Magic if I am unable to help him…I completely understand and respect his wishes as we were (and still are the best Team on the block)…however it is my hope that at some point in the future he could be persuaded to continue to ‘dabble’ a bit as ‘Magic’ is in his DNA and Life will be almost impossible without it for him …but these are not my decisions to make this is something Colin will have to deal with later.
Five of Hearts Magic was a dream we built together, since 1997 and during those years of growth and ‘magic adventures’ it has been my privilege & honor to share my husband’s magic with Magician’s around the World and to see his work so appreciated and respected. His magic for the most part enabled other Magicians to go out into ‘The Entertainment World’ and earn their living knowing that they had reliable, well thought out props that would not let them down…our reputation was built on the high standard of excellence Colin placed on everything he made, it had to be good enough for him to use before he was happy to let me sell it to anyone else…as a renowned ’ Stage Magician’ of many years he was able use his experience to transition into his second career in ‘Magic ‘with ease  to become one of the great Craftsman of Magic today…that amazing body of work stands as testament to our joint commitment to a ‘magic dream’ we actually made come true…many pieces found their way into Private Collections but always to Magic Homes where they would be cherished and appreciated…that was my job to find those good homes…over the last twenty-plus  years many of those Customers evolved into wonderful friendships and associations that have supported us with such loyalty ,friendship & love and continue to do so to this day…
So sadly, Five of Hearts Magic comes to an abrupt stop but the ‘magic’ we built together lives on in every performance you do from here on in using the products you bought from us, each ‘prop’ contains a little of our ‘magic’ for you to add to your’ magic’ which when mixed together becomes the secret ingredient for a great performance…
Thank you each and every one of you for your wonderful support over the years, Five of Hearts Magic would not have existed without you…and please don’t be sad every moment was wonderful and  I would not have missed a second of it..

“…. Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment that was known
As Camelot…”

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